Here's the projected table of contents:
1. Meet Your Mind
2. Substance Dualism
3. Property Dualism
4. Idealism, Solipsism, and Panpsychism
5. Behaviorism and Other Minds
6. Mind as Brain
7. Nonhuman Minds: Thinking Machines, Animals, and Aliens
8. Functionalism
9. Mental Causation, Epiphenomenalism, and Anomalous Monism
10. Eliminativism
11. Perception, Imagination, and Emotion
12. The Will: Willpower and Freedom
13. Intentionality and Mental Representation
14. Consciousness and Qualia
15. Is This the End? Personal Identity and Immortality
16. The 4E Approach
17. Futuristic Directions
(Last updated July 18, 2022)
(Last updated July 18, 2022)